Saturday, November 11, 2006

thoughts on drawing research

There seems to be a need to define research boundaries for drawing, but in the case of practice based research its role as a contribution to knowledge is more difficult to define or put into words, or in fact be reproducible. To me there seems to be two sides to research in drawing, one that is in the field of 'art' where its purpose is itself, and it may need no more than that to contribute, and drawing as a tool, as a means to something else. I feel that drawings on both sides can travel to the other and work in different ways, but by removing the purpose behind it's creation.
I feel that drawing as so much to offer and is so overlooked in terms of its inherent influence and nature in relation to language, culture, cognition, and development. But, these are gain through drawing, when I draw it is a result in itself it is not an attempt to gain something other than itself. These are a few unresolved thoughts.